Episode 38 - Seth Task

A World without NAR

Seth Task, serving as the NAR Public and Federal Issues liaison for 2024, makes a special appearance on the podcast to uncover industry secrets and equip you with effective strategies for success in the ever-evolving realm of real estate. Seth gives us an insider’s perspective on the critical role played by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) in advocating for real estate professionals.

Protecting Independent Contractor Status

The conversation sheds light on how NAR fights to maintain the independent contractor status for real estate agents. Without this crucial status, the tax benefits and the very essence of our small businesses would be at risk.

Unprecedented Achievements

Seth walks us through historic achievements, such as the inclusion of independent contractors in unemployment benefits and securing financial relief during challenging times. These victories underscore the NAR’s commitment to supporting real estate professionals nationwide.

A Shift in Focus: Consumer-Centric Advocacy

James introduces an intriguing perspective on shifting the narrative from constant agent-centric discussions to highlighting the significant impact NAR has on consumers.

National Flood Insurance Program

Seth emphasizes the pivotal role NAR plays in safeguarding programs like the National Flood Insurance Program. The potential disruption caused by lapses in such programs can have widespread consequences, affecting thousands of real estate transactions.

Legislative Wins for Buyers and Sellers

The podcast unveils several legislative wins, including H.R. 3700, a bill that passed unanimously through the House and Senate. The changes it brought to FHA condo policies exemplify NAR’s dedication to improving conditions for both buyers and sellers.

A Candid Conversation: Real Talk on Industry Challenges

Acknowledging Imperfections: The Road to Remodeling

The hosts express gratitude for Seth’s candidness and his dedication to volunteering time for the betterment of the industry. The discussion touches on the necessity of acknowledging industry failures and embracing vulnerability to usher in positive change.

Facing Lawsuits Head-On

Seth addresses the elephant in the room – the lawsuits. He dismantles any notion of a conspiracy, asserting that NAR’s focus is on protecting the public and the real estate market. This transparent conversation sets the stage for rebuilding trust within the industry.

Leading from the Front: A Call to Action

The Remodeling of the Real Estate Industry

In the final segment, James and Keith commend Seth for his leadership and vulnerability. They stress the importance of such authentic conversations in rebuilding trust and call for industry-wide support in embracing positive changes.

Shifting the Conversation

James suggests a fresh approach in advertising campaigns, one that focuses not only on agents but prominently highlights the positive impact on consumers. This shift in conversation could be a game-changer in redefining the industry’s image.

A Call for Unity

Keith emphasizes the need for unity in addressing industry challenges. Vulnerability, responsibility, and a commitment to solutions are highlighted as the keys to winning back trust.

As real estate professionals, we’re on an exciting journey of evolution and improvement. The Real Estate Insiders Podcast, with hosts James Dwiggins and Keith Robinson, continues to provide a platform for insightful discussions. Seth Task’s unfiltered insights and the call for industry-wide support leave us optimistic about the future.

We’re here to keep you informed, empowered, and inspired. Stay tuned for more unfiltered insights from the industry’s finest.