Episode 63 - Brian Boero

Getting the Story About Real Estate Straight

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Are you tired of the lack of communication and cohesive media strategy in the real estate industry? Brian Boero, CEO of 1000watt, is a real estate marketing expert and joins James and Keith to discuss the importance of effective communication and media strategies in today’s changing landscape. Brian explains how if he were the industry’s media Czar for NAR, brokers, and agents what they should do moving forward with their media strategies and how taking a proactive and confident approach instead of defensive will transform the industry;  emphasizing the need for authentic storytelling and emotional connections with consumers.

This episode is packed with guidance on how the industry should be communicating and getting the story straight.

Connect with Brian on LinkedIn.

Learn more about real estate marketing and brand strategies with 1000watt on Facebook – LinkedIn – Instagram. Or visit them online at 1000watt.net.

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This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.